Thursday 29 March 2018


Man answers the phone:
"Hello who is this? "

"This is Google Pizza. Our neural network realized you were hungry and craving for pepperoni pizza. So it ordered and  ate 6 slices on your behalf. We debited your account with $7.25."

"Thank you very much. I was wondering why I was feeling full".

"In exactly 26 minutes 18 seconds you will get the urge to crap. Please make sure you are close to a toilet."

"Can't your neural network instruct your digestive network to lay a loaf on my behalf?"

"Sir our digestive network is yet undergoing supervised learning for your city. We should be able to provide that service by next year. For now we have debited your account only for the eating service. Anything else we can help you with at this time?"

"No thank you. That's all....burrrrrp!!!".